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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Who's in the house? Truckerrrrrr!

I have been told by a very reliable resource that it is NOT cinco de Mayo anymore. I find this strange since the dos taquitos I had that day are still hanging around. I still haven't put away the plethora of pinatas hanging around my home from the drunken wild orgy parties I had. When I say "drunken wild orgy parties" I, of course, mean sitting around in my underwear watching a Chico and the Man marathon while eating nachos and burrrrrrrrrritos.

All of this just proves my inability to blog regularly. I get so distracted by other things that I...umm...hmmm...

Sorry, there was an ant crawling across my desk.

I mentioned once before that I am a true blue manic-depressive blogger. MDB was my new name at the time. Recently I realized I also have attention hyperact.... Hence from this point on I am now MD-ADHDB.

Oh look, a UPS truck!

As I was saying, the following are things I would like to boycott.

1) Paris Hilton

It is such a pretty day. I wonder if I should go am I thirsty.

The hottest woman in the world, according to Maxim magazine, is Eva Longoria. Although this is not a bad choice there are some who disagree. According to them the hottest woman in the world is actually Kid Rock. Don't ask me why.

Oh...and it is raining in New England.