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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Address 3rd Trash Can From the Left

At work I have a daily ritual. The interesting thing it does not involve actually "working". I come into my office, sit at my desk, and it begins.

I swivel my chair to the left and hit the small trash can with my left foot. Once again, the cleaning lady emptied my trash and then placed the can under the front of my desk rather than the preferred location under the back of my desk. The back of the desk is much more convienent for me because my left foot would not be knocking it over as I swivel my chair to the left. I could try swiveling to the right, but that would not help me get out of my office very well. Or, I could continue swiveling to the right almost 360 degrees but my right foot would eventually make contact with the trash can. My right foot doesn't like touching trash cans.

I have left a note for the cleaning lady asking her to, "¡Mueva por favor la cesta del desecho a la espalda del escritorio!" To this point, nothing has changed.

So this morning I sat down at my desk, swiveled to the left, and knocked over my trash can. Somehow this felt comforting...somehow.