To Worry-Worry, Super Scurry
Every morning I do very much the same thing. I walk out my front door, down the porch steps and out to my car parked in the driveway. The car is parked in the driveway because, like most American families, there is no room in the garage. Somehow we have had it placed in our minds that a garage is not actually for automobiles but for a wide variety of "stuff" we think we need but in reality will be bought by yard sale vultures. "Yes, I paid $2000 for that treadmill but for you, my friend, I will sell it for 50 cents!"
My walk to the car is always uneventful. Today...was different.
Crossing the driveway to my car stood a penguin in the way of my normal path. I stopped in front of him and looked down, because penguins are kinda short. He wore a bowler style hat, carried an untitled book under his right wing and held a blue balloon in his left. With dark beady eyes he looked up at me and said, "Beware, BEWARE!"
I walked around him to my car and got in the drivers seat. As I began to start the engine I looked back at him. He had turned around and stared at me again with those dark beady eyes. "Beware, BEWARE!" he urged me.
On the freeway another car began to pass me on my left side. It slowed down so that it was beside me going the same speed. I looked over and saw the same penguin with those dark beady eyes behind the window of the passenger side. He was once again mouthing the same words while holding the book and balloon, "Beware, BEWARE!" I sped up and moved away from him.
This same event happened on the sidewalk on my way to my building ("Beware, BEWARE!"), in the hallway to my office ("Beware, BEWARE!"), and the penguin sat in one of the chairs from across me ("Beware, BEWARE!"). All the while he wore a bowler style hat, held onto a untitled book and blue balloon.
Finally, while taking a break, I went into the bathroom. There, standing on the floor, was the penguin with his dark beady eyes, bowler style hat, untitled book, and blue balloon. Once again he warns, "Beware, BEWARE!" I did my business, washed my hands, and headed out the door. Blocking my way to the door was the penguin, "Beware, BEWARE!"
I took out a pen and popped his balloon. Then I pushed open the door and walked around him. Looking back I saw him stare helplessly at the remains of the balloon. Was that a tear forming in his eye? I shrugged and continued on to go back to work.
I have never seen the penguin with the dark beady eyes, bowler style hat, untitled book, and blue balloon again.
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